Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Tragedy Of Medea By Sophocles - 1611 Words
Aristotle’s poetics goes into vast detail regarding what characteristics are necessary for a top-notch tragedy. While these norms may seem to be easily understood through the reading of Aristotle’s fine-tuned poetics, there is a different understanding that needs to be interpreted to truly grasp the significance and qualifications that makeup a good tragedy. Of the many tragedies that Euripides provides us with, I chose the tragedy of Medea to further analyze, and present a strong argument for why I think Aristotle would find Medea a top-notch tragedy. According to Aristotle, a top-notch tragedy consists of six main elements, a strong plot, storyline, style, morals, ideas, staging and music, with the most important of these six being that of the plot. I strongly feel that in terms of what entails a quality tragedy, Euripides Medea meets a large majority of these things. Medea offers us a tragedy that is filled with a concrete plot, a strong source of tragic effect as well as a well-put together sequence of events to which lead up to the unfolding of such events. One of the most critical aspects to a top-notch tragedy is the role and characteristics that an â€Å"ideal†tragic hero should posses. In this particular tragedy, this is the role to which Medea plays. A tragic hero is a character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his or her own self-destruction. According to Aristotle’s an ideal tragic hero is â€Å"a man not outstanding in virtue or justice,Show MoreRelatedTragedy In Oedipus Rex And Antigone By Euripides784 Words  | 4 Pagespaper are the famously known Greek tragedies; Oedipus Rex and Antigone by Sophocles and Medea by Euripides that not only have the common genre of tragedy, but share the same motifs; homicide, suicide, and suffering. What is intriguing about these commonalities is that these playwrights, Sophocles and Euripides, use them. Homicide is an act when a human permanently harms another leading in death and these plays like to use it quite a bit. In Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, the main character Oedipus (kingRead MoreEvaluation of Euripides Essay942 Words  | 4 Pagesconventions of Attic Tragedy up to a particular extent. Although he was often criticised for his work, he followed the structure and cycles of the traditional tragedy. However, his stance on the themes and ideas set him apart from the other writers. It is unreasonable to compare Euripides with the traditional writers of Attic tragedy without understanding his attitude and the reason for this attitude. Although he was only fifteen years older than Sophocles, he belonged toRead MoreSophocles Euripides Antigone1310 Words  | 6 PagesIn Sophocles’ Antigone, and in Euripides’ Medea, the Greek authors take on the topic of justice. 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While playwrights like Sophocles wrote characters the way they should be ideally, Euripides wrote his characters truthfully and portrayed people as compassionate and cruel and complicated as humans really are. In Medea, Euripides details the story of the play’s namesake and leads readers to question hisRead More Comparing Female Characters in Euripides Medea and Sophocles Oedipus the King and Antigone1555 Words  | 7 PagesComparing Female Characters in Euripides Medea and Sophocles Oedipus the King and Antigone     In the times of the ancient Greeks, women had an unpretentious role. They were expected to do take on the accepted role of a woman. In most cases, a womans role is restricted to bearing young, raising children, and housework. In Sophocles Oedipus the King, Antigone, and Medea, the dominant female characters impacted upon men with authority and political power. It is Read MoreThe Era of Greek Tragedy Essay2487 Words  | 10 PagesThe Era of Greek Tragedy In Athens, during the final thirty years of sixth century B.C. playwrights began creating the earliest drama in all of Europe, Greek tragedy (Sifakis, â€Å"Greek Tragedy†). Though now the products of the movement are seen as pieces of literature to be read, they originated as theatrical pieces meant to be performed on the stage. The tragedies were mostly derived from stories about their gods, such as Hades, Zeus and Nyx. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Pocket Money Should Be Given to the Teenagers or Not Free Essays
With the development of our modern society, peoples living conditions become much more comfortable. But along with intense competition, parents have less time to consider children needs in all-round. One method to solve this contradiction is to give children some pocket money. We will write a custom essay sample on Pocket Money Should Be Given to the Teenagers or Not or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pocket money is useful to children. But whether the children are considerable enough to make correct use of these money. There are two viewpoints about the pocket money. Some people think that giving children pocket money will make them become luxurious. Others think that will not lead to such disadvantage. In my opinion, both of them are partially reasonable. Nowadays teenagers are moving to independence and it will help them if they have some practice in managing money. Giving pocket money teaches teenagers to manage money while they are still young and parents can still guide them. Also, it help teenagers to make choices and to see that sometimes people have to wait and save up some money to get what they really want. The important predicament of pocket money must have certainly flashed your mind either during your childhood or as a parent now. Of course, the dilemma is always much more grave if you are a parent. Parents extensively differ in their perspectives of upbringing children in a system of granting pocket money to take care of their petty expenses. At first, the definite expenses that should be termed as petty is pretty much subjective in nature and needs to be well-defined to start with. The second question you need to ask is what is the extent to which a child be given freedom to spend money which is deemed as pocket money? While lot of parentaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s concerns revolves around promoting unhealthy competition amongst children on the amount of money they get and loss of control on a childaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s spending habits, there are also some positive lessons for teenagers such as inculcating money management skills and making tough decision regarding spending desires that offer less value to their lifestyle. Some peoples believe that giving children pocket money really has many advantages. With pocket money, children can buy their daily necessities such as pencils, little toys, and snack food they like. It will give children a certain freedom to select what they want, make them aware rules of the equivalent exchange. Since time to parents is very precious, giving pocket money to children help them to save time spent in shopping, but used in busy working and earning money. Children can get the value of the money when they are responsible to pay for their purchases and they will become more responsible with money matters. It can also lead the children pay for their things from their pocket money itself, so that they get to know how grownups set up a budget when salary comes and pay for living expenses. Some parents think that giving pocket money to their children can saves a lot of time for grownups to buy small things for them. Parents can utilize this time for other important tasks. Once start giving pocket money to children, they have to begin make important decision regarding spending money themselves, this will gives them the sense of purpose and achievement. Besides that, children feel a sense of independence and responsibility towards spending the money in the right way. They learn to understand the value of money. Children will get into the habit of planned income and expenditure. They also learn about saving budgeting. Giving pocket money to children makes them feel an important part of the family since they know that they get a part of the family’s monthly income. Therefore, the way of giving pocket money will develop a sense to children of how much has to be done to earn money, learn that ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, learn what money can buy, how much they need to buy and what they need to buy. They can have their own money to spend and helping them develop self control and understanding the value of money, and learn to save money. Others insist that there are undoubtedly some disadvantages in spending pocket money. First, young children do not know how to use pocket money appropriately, they possibly consume all the money to buy expensive merchandise that they like, and then ask for extra money from their parents. Some parents cosset their children, and always give them a large amount of pocket money. Such conditions will make children become more and more prodigal. Second, since adults do not supervise the procedure of shopping, children could probably buy something that is not suitable for their age, such as adult magazines. The aâ‚ ¬? Current Pocket Money Trends in Malaysiaaâ‚ ¬? survey has cited that metropolitan children in the 12-20 ages group get as much as RM500 to over RM1500 a month of pocket money to spend on apparels, physical appearance, cell phone and other lifestyle products. A child may not be cautious in spending money, he or she can easily spend on frivolous unnecessary items. Children are not expected to know the value of money so they are never expected to make a wise decision regarding money. A child can easily get into trouble if there is no supervision with regards to money matters. He or she can be the prey to the bullies at school or play area if they are carrying lots of pocket money. Children may always think they will get paid for everything they do to help, you have to find the money to pay them regularly, it is hard to know what the pocket money is supposed to pay for and there will always seems to be something more. Although children learn to understand that amount of money is limited and they need to always choose between their various desires to ensure correct use of their pocket money. Some parents believe that pocket money should not be given since that will make the child feel that ‘parents money is not his/her money’, it could lead to unhealthy competition amongst children on the amount of pocket money they get, and they will loss of control on where children spend the money. By judging these two viewpoints above that I mentioned, I think that parents should give their children a limited amount of pocket money and there must always exist some preconditions such as the amount of pocket money must be finite; parents should instruct their children how to use the money moderately and what is suitable to them; for a costly merchandise, parents themselves should take children to buy it. With these preconditions, pocket money will do no harm to their children. Parents need to explain to them where the money is to be used. For example when you first give the amount to your daughter, you need to explain that this money is to cover her school special lunch; candies or soft drinks requirements for a week. If the child is given money without any direction, you could run the risk of the child using the money is a way that does not agree with you. In such cases, parents need to be very careful in not micro- managing where the child spends the pocket money, else the child will get irritated and will not get the aâ‚ ¬? sense of independenceaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ that parents want to instill in the child. Once children start spending, sometimes away from their parents in going to school, sports classes, tuitions, and they need to carry some amount of money on them. In the beginning, the amount of money should be small and should be periodically reviewed as the child grows. For example parents could decide that every birthday, they will give an increment to your childaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s pocket money. If your child excels in academics or sports, they could get higher pocket money increments! How much is the best as the pocket money? Parents must always ensure that they give comparable pocket money to their children. It should neither be too much or too little compared to friends. Giving more pocket money than friends will make your child spend more and consider money as frivolous and easily available. If your child gets less pocket money than his/her friends, it will lead to an inferiority complex and the child might start resenting you. An idea might be to give your child a set amount each week, putting half in a savings account. At the end of a time agreed on by you both, perhaps three months and the child can spend the saved money exactly as they wish. If they choose to ‘waste’ it on lollies they can do so. However most children want something special and usually prefer to save for that particular thing and not waste it on a brief pleasure. This helps teach them the value of saving. Another way treat pocket money as a way of punishment. Parents must be careful not to use pocket money as a way of punishment to their children. Often, parents use aâ‚ ¬? suspension of pocket moneyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ as an easy way of punishing their children. This format of punishment is not wrong to use but must be applied carefully. For example if the child has a broken a beautiful vase and you want him/ her to understand the value of the same, you can penalize the child by deducting/ taking away the monthaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s pocket money. But you cannot start using pocket money as a weapon to get the child to abide by all your wishes. For example you might want your child to have two glasses of milk everyday which he may not want to; in such cases by incentivizing the child for more pocket money will be wrong to do since such a format of giving money is not pocket money but aâ‚ ¬? bribeaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Similarly, pocket money penalty cannot be used as a blanket punishment to all wrong-doings. If the child starts feeling that he/she will never really get pocket money due to some punishment, he/she might be tempted to steal money from parents. If you decide to give pocket money you need to work out, how much is reasonable, whether the money will be paid for doing chores, how much must be done to earn it, and how much is simply because aâ‚ ¬? you are a member of the familyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, how much each job is worth, whether all children get the same amount or the older child gets more, how much control parents will have over the use of pocket money or do they have to save some, what can they buy with it, when you will pay? Because the children won’t learn about the responsibility of money if parents don’t honor the agreement. How to cite Pocket Money Should Be Given to the Teenagers or Not, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics
Question: Discuss about the maker of smartphone surveillance app fined, avoids jail time. Answer: Background Mr. Hammad Akbar owner of the company which developed Stealth Genie, an app developed and marketed as a way to catch cheating lovers and spouses, was fined by the US District Court of East Virginia. The app once installed on a phone could be used to secretly monitor all the activities of the owner of the phone including the calls made, photos, videos and other files on the phone and it could even switch on the microphone of the phone that enabled the listener to even listen to the normal and daily conversations and ambient sounds of the target. This app mostly used by abusive and paranoid spouses often led to instances of domestic violence and a breach to security and privacy of the people being snooped. However Mr. Hammad claims to be ignorant of the fact that the app developed by his company was illegal (Zapotosky, 2014). Application of Consequential Theory According to the consequential theory of ethics the morality of an action depends on the consequences of the result of that arises from it. Rather than the motive the end is the more important aspect in this theory. Thus as per this theory if the end result arising from any action if not god then that particular action is intrinsically bad (Vadastreanu, Maier, Maier, 2015). Privacy and security are the two basic rights for any person to live happily in this world. An app like stealth genie questions these basic rights of the individuals. The app might have been developed by Mr. Hammads organization to help parents keep a track on their children or for caregivers to keep a track on their elderly relatives or for spouses to monitor and help in each others daily activities. But this is a secret app as the name indicates and once installed on the phone, it functions without the knowledge of the target. When this app is being used for good and beneficial purposes it helps in preventing m any untoward incidents. But as the two sides of a coin, if this particular app is being misused by paranoid spouses or exes and business rivals the case is different. Based on the perceived effect of this app the experience of the target differs. Such an app in many countries can be used only by law enforcing agencies or only in some other limited cases. The owner of the firm that developed the app claims to be ignorant of the legal formalities associated with the app. But while developing such an app that could help others gain control into the private lives of any individuals, the developers should always be extremely conscious about the harms it can bring into the lives of these targets. The consequences of the action should always be kept in mind while devising such a system. The marketing strategy undertaken by the firm also raises serious ethical concerns (Van Staveren, 2007). It was promoted as an app to catch red-handed the cheating lovers and so the intention of the develop ers behind the creation of such an app raises questions. If the motive behind the development of the app was for helping parents, caregivers or spouses in undertaking their intended duties it was a very fine and wonderful piece of work. Thus analyzing on lines with consequential theory, this app was an unethical creation because the consequence that resulted from developing this app was breach of the basic rights of security and privacy of other individuals Application of Deontological Theory In deontological theory of ethics the morality of an action is based on the adherence to the rules and laws associated with it. As per this theory every individual has rights and it is wrong to violate these rights (Smith, Netchaeva, Soderberg, Okhuysen, 2015). Keeping this in view when we analyze the current situation, even though he claims to be ignorant of legality behind the developed app, as per the existent rules and laws the action was illegal. It breaches the right to privacy and security of the individuals who are been spied upon. If this app was used by a business rival, it could have resulted in loss of intellectual property. There are many regulations and laws related to internet and the app developers should in any case be aware of these. Being ignorant of the related legislations and regulations it can be taken as an offence as it is an obligation of the developer to know the related laws and regulations. The instances of domestic violence and loss of business that mig ht have occurred because of such an app being available in the wrong hands should be taken into consideration. Each and every person has the right to be secure and have a private and personal space (Himma Tavani, 2008). This particular app breaches this very basic privilege and at the same time it is against laws and rules of the nation where the issue has been taken up. Thus while making use of deontological theory of ethics which is rule based or duty based, the actions of Mr. Hammad is offensive because he is not aware of the related rules associated with the development of such an app and it is also violating the basic rights of the targets. Conclusion Life of any individual becomes extremely difficult when his/her basic rights and privileges are violated or ignored. It leads to insecurity and chaos. Right to security and privacy are such rights which are crucial for a happy and peaceful life. The app under scrutiny - stealth genie, violates these fundamental rights of the affected individuals, thus making life difficult for them. The punishment warranted to the developer of this app can be justified in this context. Even though he claims to be ignorant of the legal implications, it was his duty or obligation to know the same. More stringent lawswith a wider ambit should be made in this regard. There are many instances in worldwide where breach of privacy is taken as a serious offence and dealt with strictly (a women deported from UAE for checking husbands phone, Keiser hospital fined $250,000 for privacy breach in Octuplet case, An employee of the Tampa, Florida, health department took a computer disk containing the names of 4,000 people who had tested positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS (USA Today, October 10, 1996) so on). Companies and program developers should always remember the legal consequences of their actions and the individuals should be aware of the rights and instances of the violation of the same to ensure a safe and smooth life for all. Awareness campaigns should be conducted for empowering both sections of affected parties. References Himma, K. Tavani, H. (2008).The handbook of information and computer ethics. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Smith, I., Netchaeva, E., Soderberg, A., Okhuysen, G. (2015). The Behavioral Ethics of Deontology and Utilitarianism: Are They as Separable as They Seem?.Academy Of Management Proceedings,2015(1), 14876-14876. https://dx.doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2015.125 Vadastreanu, A., Maier, D., Maier, A. (2015). Is the Success Possible in Compliance with Ethics and Deontology in Business?.Procedia Economics And Finance,26, 1068-1073. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s2212-5671(15)00931-4 Van Staveren, I. (2007). Beyond Utilitarianism and Deontology: Ethics in Economics.Review Of Political Economy,19(1), 21-35. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09538250601080776 Zapotosky, M. (2014).StealthGenie maker fined for 'stalker' app.The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 20 May 2016, from https://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/smartphone-apps/maker-of-smartphone-surveillance-app-fined-avoids-jail-time-20141126-11upqs.html
Saturday, November 30, 2019
OBJECTIVE 1 TEST BETWEEN TREATMENT AND BLOCKS Dependent Variable:observation SourceType III Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. Corrected Model239892.700a926654.7442.887.023 Intercept424116.3001424116.30045.930.000 blocks137360.867434340.2173.719.020 treatment84800.833184800.8339.184.007 blocks * treatment17731.00044432.750.480.750 Error184678.000209233.900 Total848687.00030 Corrected Total424570.70029 a. R Squared = .565 (Adjusted R Squared = .369) We find there is no significant difference between blocks and treatments since its significant value 0.750 is greater than 0.05 We find out there is a significant difference between treatments(urgents) since 0.007 significant value is less than the p-value of 0.05. Thou we could not run the post-hoc test since we had 2 treatments. We find there is a significant difference between the blocks(concentration) as its significant value is 0.02 is less than the p-value of 0.05 thus we run the LSD tests to determine the difference Post Hoc Tests concentration MULTIPLE COMPARISONS observation LSD (I) concentration(J) concentrationMean Difference (I-J)Std. ErrorSig.95% Confidence Interval Lower BoundUpper Bound c1c246.6755.479.410-69.06162.39 c3116.33*55.479.049.61232.06 c4145.50*55.479.01629.77261.23 c5187.83*55.479.00372.11303.56 c2c1-46.6755.479.410-162.3969.06 c369.6755.479.224-46.06185.39 c498.8355.479.090-16.89214.56 c5141.17*55.479.01925.44256.89 c3c1-116.33*55.479.049-232.06-.61 c2-69.6755.479.224-185.3946.06 c429.1755.479.605-86.56144.89 c571.5055.479.212-44.23187.23 c4c1-145.50*55.479.016-261.23-29.77 c2-98.8355.479.090-214.5616.89 c3-29.1755.479.605-144.8986.56 c542.3355.479.454-73.39158.06 c5c1-187.83*55.479.003-303.56-72.11 c2-141.17*55.479.019-256.89-25.44 c3-71.5055.479.212-187.2344.23 c4-42.3355.479.454-158.0673.39 Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 9233.900. *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. NB Those with the significant value (p-value) less than 0.05 are significantly different FINDING C1 is different from C3,C4 and C5 C2 is different from C5 C3 is different from C1 C4 is different from C1 C5 IS different from C1 and C2 Estimated Marginal Means urgent Dependent Variable:observation urgentMeanStd. Error95% Confidence Interval Lower BoundUpper Bound salt172.06728.443113.805230.328 vinegar65.73328.4437.472123.995 2. concentration Dependent Variable:observation concentrationMeanStd. Error95% Confidence Interval Lower BoundUpper Bound c1218.16739.230136.335299.999 c2171.50039.23089.668253.332 c3101.83339.23020.001183.665 c472.66739.230-9.165154.499 c530.33339.230-51.499112.165 OBJECTIVE 2 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:observation SourceType III Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. Corrected Model232457.500a546491.5005.808.001 Intercept424116.3001424116.30052.983.000 time133719.800266859.9008.353.002 treatment84800.833184800.83310.594.003 time * treatment13936.86726968.433.871.432 Error192113.200248004.717 Total848687.00030 Corrected Total424570.70029 a. R Squared = .548 (Adjusted R Squared = .453) We find there is no significance difference between time and treatment since its significance value is 0.432 which is greater than 0.05. We find out there is a significant difference between treatments(urgents) since 0.003 significant value is less than the p-value of 0.05. Thou we could not run the post-hoc test since we had 2 treatments. We find out there is a significant difference between time since 0.002 significant value is less than the p-value of 0.05. Thus we run the post-hoc test to find the difference Post Hoc Tests weeks Multiple Comparisons observation LSD (I) weeks(J) weeksMean Difference (I-J)Std. ErrorSig.95% Confidence Interval Lower BoundUpper Bound week 1week 2-114.70*40.012.008-197.28-32.12 week 3-158.30*40.012.001-240.88-75.72 week 2week 1114.70*40.012.00832.12197.28 week 3-43.6040.012.287-126.1838.98 week 3week 1158.30*40.012.00175.72240.88 week 243.6040.012.287-38.98126.18 Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 8004.717. *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. NB Those with the significant value less than 0.05 are significantly different FINDING Week1 is different from week2 and week3 Week2 is different from week1 Week3 is different from week1 Estimated Marginal Means 1. weeks Dependent Variable:observation weeksMeanStd. Error95% Confidence Interval Lower BoundUpper Bound week 127.90028.293-30.49386.293 week 2142.60028.29384.207200.993 week 3186.20028.293127.807244.593 PRESERVATIVES Dependent Variable:observation urgentMeanStd. Error95% Confidence Interval Lower BoundUpper Bound salt172.06728.443113.805230.328 vinegar65.73328.4437.472123.995
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Phobias and Addictions Explained Essay
Phobias and Addictions Explained Essay Phobias and Addictions Explained Essay Phobias and Addictions Explained The world of psychology is an interesting one, especially when one examines current behaviours and the sort of conditioning that creates things such as phobias and addictions. Both phobias and addictions have been linked to certain conditioning theories which have been laid out by psychologist using the scientific methods. Phobias have been explained to stem from a classical conditioning whereas addictions seem to develop from an operant conditioning. Both classical conditioning and operant conditioning are styles acknowledged by scientists to create behaviours but both are equally different in techniques achieved. However, both styles can be erased in as sense through the method of extinction. In terms of the general society, phobias have become a pretty common anxiety stress disorder. Phobias typically are irrational or adverse fears of an object, situation or activity. Individuals will usually take the extra step necessary to avoid this particular phobia at any cost so as to not face the fear or deal with the stressor at question According to Yates (2012) study, a â€Å"specific phobia is characterized by extreme and persistent fear of specific objects or situations that present little or no real threat†(p. 1). Often times an individual’s phobias are no relation to real danger and such is where the irrational portion of the fear comes into play in the equation. However, though the danger is not usually present, phobias may have a tendency to interfere with the daily living routine, thus creating a high anxiety level for that particular individual. Generally, scientists have come to the conclusion that phobias derive mostly from classical conditioning. Clas sical conditioning is the pairing of two stimuli that creates and outcome which changes the reflex response of the first stimulus. For example, if one has an irrational fear of spiders, whereas the individual thinks the spider will attack, this can lead one to associate spiders with fear and anxiety. This phobia could have been from an adverse stimulus with a spider but from that point on, or until the phobia is conquered, that individual will suffer from fear and anxiety from seeing spiders anywhere even if it is just on the television. On the other hand, addictions unlike phobias are more developed through behaviours and operant conditioning. Addictions have been described best as dependencies on substances (such as food,alcohol,drugs.etc) or behaviors (gambling, gaming, or sex). Addictions can occur, when one uses a particular substance or partakes in a particular activity and at some point cannot stop the need and want from recreating the feeling of the experience. Some substanc e use and engaging in activities can be enjoyable and so one has to remind themselves that it is not always classified as an addition just because an individual partakes in the actions described above in parentheses. However, when the behaviour or usage is continued use or continued activity has become compulsive and interferes with daily living, health, and mental focus is when this behaviour has become an addiction for that individual. Most scientists have attributed addictions developing from the style of operant conditioning. Like operant conditioning, addictions result when an individual associates a reaction (in general a positive reaction) that that is a direct result or occurring at the same time of engaging in a repeated activity. Hence, addictions arise through operant conditioning because of the frequent reaction an individual feels from the use of a substance or activity. This continual necessity that addiction creates sources an individual to keep recreating the feeling by repeating the activity over and over again. One can examine this behaviour and operanct conditioning through a nicotine addiction. Nicotine stimulates the brain in a gratifying way, which causes one to experience a sensation that becomes continually desired or needed.
Friday, November 22, 2019
T5 Tax Slips for Canadian Income Taxes
T5 Tax Slips for Canadian Income Taxes A Canadian T5 tax slip, or Statement of Investment Income, is prepared and issued by organizations that pay interest, dividends, or royalties to tell you and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) how much investment income you earned for a given tax year. Income included on T5 tax slips includes most dividends, royalties, and interest from bank accounts, accounts with investment dealers or brokers, insurance policies, annuities, and bonds. Organizations do not usually issue T5 slips for earned interest and investment income less than $50 CAN, although you should still report that income when you file your Canadian income tax return. Deadline for T5 Tax Slips T5 tax slips must be issued by the last day of February, in the year after the calendar year to which the T5 tax slips apply. Filing T5 Tax Slips With Your Income Tax Return When you file a paper income tax return, include copies of each of the T5 tax slips you receive. If you file your income tax return using NETFILE or EFILE, keep copies of your T5 tax slips with your records for six years in case the CRA asks to see them. Missing T5 Tax Slips If an organization doesnt issue a T5 even though you have investment income over the $50 CAN threshold, you are required to ask for a copy of a missing T5 tax slip. If you havent received a T5 slip despite requesting one, file your income tax return by the tax deadline anyway to avoid penalties for filing your income taxes late. Calculate the investment income and any related tax credits you can claim as closely as you can using any information you have. Include a note with the organizations name and address, the type and amount of investment income, and what you have done to get a copy of the missing T5 slip. Include copies of any statements you used in calculating the income for the missing T5 tax slip. Implications of Not Filing a T5 The CRA will charge a penalty if you file an income tax return and forget to include a tax slip for the second time within a four-year period. It will also charge interest on the balance due, calculated from the tax deadline of the year to which the slip applied. If you have filed your tax return and you receive a late or amended T5 slip, file an adjustment request (T1-ADJ) immediately to report this discrepancy in income. Other Tax Information Slips The T5 slip doesnt include other income sources that must be reported, even if they deal with seemingly similar investment-related sources. Other tax information slips include: T4: Statement of Remuneration PaidT4A: Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other IncomeT4A(OAS): Statement of Old Age SecurityT4A(P): Statement of Canada Pension Plan BenefitsT4E: Statement of Employment Insurance and Other BenefitsT4RIF: Statement of Income From a Registered Retirement Income FundT4RSP: Statement of RRSP Income
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business research methods - Essay Example Sports events have become big business generating huge income from sports related entertainment and tourism events. In the UK, sports event management has become a threshold for creating economic rejuvenation of many of the UK cities. It is interesting to observe how Manchester appeared on the global horizon by holding the Commonwealth Games. Sports provide scope for urban renewal by developing commercial infrastructure and conducting of cultural and educational events and celebration (Getz 2007). Now-a-days, each major city has sports tour agencies with a specialised workforce aspiring to compete for organising global sports events. The cross-roads of sport management and sport studies with tourism tackles two main themes: sport events for the benefit of sports people and their fans and another active type of sports that needs travelling like skiing and other adventure sports (Getz 2007). Sports & Corporate Group Travel is also one such UK based tour operator company holding sports events such as rugby, cricket, swimming, football, water polo and ice hockey. It conducts sports tours, camps, tournaments and corporate tours and events. 1. ... Normally, customers’ perception is high for such companies that avoid failure than those companies that take recovery measures later (McCollough et al. 2000). Regarding major research questions on event tourism, people state their responses through behavioural, emotional and cognitive means. Possible research methods of knowing their perceptions on the tour event could be analysis of the related texts and self-reporting by them. Researchers can conduct in-depth interviews directly or through participants’ observations. Customers of event tour operator companies can provide sampling of their experiences; it could be diary or time-sampling with a unique set of questions. Routine consumer and market surveys can also help in analysing consumer behaviour and responses (Getz 2007). Velazquez et al. (2011) have researched on the loyalty aspect in tourism for tour operators to construct strategies to help tourism companies focussed on customer relationships. They have researche d on attitudinal and behavioural approaches for customer satisfaction, quality of service, value and customer loyalty. Davidow (2003) has summed up the research on customer complaint handling and how organisations’ responses affect customer attitude after registering complaints. Responses of the companies have been divided into 6 dimensions of timeliness, assistance, damage control, regret, credibility, and consideration for the complainants. Andreassen (2001) has used the method of posttest-only design with nonequivalent groups, called ex post facto. Dissatisfaction studies have been made that included dissatisfied but not complaining customers. Less research has been made on analysing recovery functions and their effect on corporate identity or
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Role of Amino Acid R-groups to the Structure and Function of Lab Report - 1
The Role of Amino Acid R-groups to the Structure and Function of Ligand-Protein Complexes - Lab Report Example Biologically proteins functions well when stable hence the need for enzymes that helps in maintaining their stability (Bruylants). The folding of proteins takes place mainly while they are biologically active. This knowledge is widely employed rational drug design, and biopharmaceutical production in developing stable proteins for various production and function. The process is not as easy as it may look since it requires the knowledge of correct folding and the amount of forces required during the folding process. Ability of folding of proteins, which forms basic units of amino acids can be measured using several detectable and analytical machines and instruments. Ligand is a molecule that is always targeting a protein site leading to binding. The process of binding is through various forces such as van der Waals forces, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, and intermolecular forces (Baron). The process of binding has an effect of altering the shape of the ligand. The process of binding and coming together is known as affinity. The ligand binding affinity power depends on the type of forces that exist in the process and the amount of the intermolecular forces existing in the chemical molecule. Longer distance While looking at the difference of these amino acids it is important to look at the molecular weight and their structures, which transforms to the rate to front between these amino acids . Cysteine has a molecular weight of 121.1150 and the only binding factor is the sulphur molecule, which does not give it any much more weight. Alanine has the last weight with 89.0935 due to the possession of only three carbon molecules and a carboxylic group. Serine has 105.0930 weights and has four carbon molecules, which increases the tie for rate to front. Aspartic acid has the highest weight of 13.1032 since is possess the amino group. In addition to this, the amino acid also contains the carboxyl group, which reduces its rate
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Mislead the officer Essay Example for Free
Mislead the officer Essay He says this in a calm voice so not to annoy the officers. The officers dont await an invitation in to the house and with their authority they just step inside and Eddie says; Whats all this? He says this with an astonished look upon his face, making the arrival of the officers appear to be a complete surprise to him. But unlike the characters in the play, the audience has full knowledge of his deceitful phone call to the Bureau, so it is ironic when he appears to know nothing. The first officer in a demanding voice says; Where are they? He says this expecting a straight answer and no messing about. Eddie will now put on a puzzled expression and frown as he says; Wheres who? He makes out to be confused and pretends to know nothing about their presence as an attempt to mislead the officer. The officer doesnt accept his over up and tries to reason with him. This shows the audience that the officer is in control of the situation and is used to people making attempts to cover up and trick him. The officer now says; Come on, come on, where are they? This is said in a calm reasoning voice to try and just get an easy answer so they can capture the immigrants hassle-free. Again Eddie with a confused look says; Who? We got nobody here. He says this with a clueless expression and an astonished voice to try and convince the officer that there has been a mistake. In this first section Eddies attitude was ironic as he made out to be bewildered and surprised by their visit, but he was the one that contacted them about the immigrants in the first place. In the second section, we get to see Beatrices reaction to his deviousness, as she immediately knows that it was Eddies doing when the officers turn up. Eddie glances at Beatrice and she quickly turns her head away to make out she is tempered towards Eddie and he confronts her straight away; Whats the matter with you? He says this with a raised tone of voice to sound annoyed as shes accused him for the officers. Even though she only gave him one glance and angrily turned her head away, I want the audience to sense her suspicion and accusation, of him calling the Bureau. The officers continue to search the building and one approaches Eddie and asks if he has the correct room number, Eddie replies with; Thats right. I want him to say this in a shaky voice so the audience can sense that he is beginning to crumble and he is fearful of the consequences of his actions. He then stares at Beatrice and I want the expression on his face to say everything. He will put on an expression, which will suggest that hes just been hit by reality, and realises the terrible situation he has got everyone in to. Eddies fearful look at Beatrice will give her conformation of his deceitfulness. But there is still the question of why he is worried? Is it to maintain his reputation in the street or the fact that he has landed Marco and Rodolpho in trouble? Maybe Both? The fact that he carries on to deny that it was him that made the phone call suggests that its to maintain his reputation. When Beatrice accuses him I want him to get frustrated to cover up for his actions. After Eddies fearful glance at Beatrice, she too is struck with fear and this is made clear by the stage directions: [weakened with fear]: She goes on to say; Oh Jesus, Eddie. She says this in total disbelief and she puts her hands on her face. This will tell the audience that she cannot bear to know what her own husband has done. Eddie continues to protest his innocence and Beatrices final action is to turn towards him, instead of running. This shows the audience that even in crisis she will not desert her husband. Her final words to him are; My God, what did you do? I want her to say this with lots of fear and anger at Eddies actions. However the fact that she didnt run from him doesnt take anything away from the shock and horror she is experiencing at the realization of what he has done. In the third section, Catherine and Beatrice make a last effort to save Marco and Rodolpho and fight with the officers. However, the officers are immune to the pleas of Catherine and Beatrice for mercy and do not express an opinion or concern. I want Catherine to seem desperate and more aggressive when attempting to persuade the officers and I want her to be more frustrated and argumentative. The first stage direction says: Catherine [backing down the stairs fighting with the first officer]. The audience can immediately tell that she is taking a more aggressive approach. She then shouts; What do yiz want from them? I want her words to have aggression in so they know that she isnt going to back down. She then says; They aint no submarines, he was born in Philadelphia. I want the audience to see her determination to save Rodolpho and her sheer frustration at what is happening. On the other hand, I want Beatrice to be seen by the audience to be taking a calmer and more diplomatic approach. She tries to reason with the officer; Ah, Mister, what do you want from them, who do they hurt? I want Beatrice to say this in a calm, less-threatening voice, so not aggravate them. The officer takes little notice of Catherine or Beatrice and merely just says to Catherine; Step aside, lady. I want him to say this in a calm, but firm voice to show the audience that he doesnt want any trouble and remains in control of the situation. I want Catherine to now appear upset and infuriated. I will do this by using her body language and tone of voice. I want her to speak in a quite angry and distressed voice; You cant just come in the house and- I want her body to be blocking the officers from getting past. I also want her to really speak face to face with the officers, to look like she is trying to intimidate them. She becomes increasingly upset as her campaign doesnt seem to be working and she screams; No, you cant! Now, get outa here! I want this shout of hers to turn in to an upset scream as she realises that she cant save Rodolpho. The men proceed to take away the immigrants and Beatrice confronts them one more time. Instead of an aggressive approach like Catherine, I want the audience to see how Beatrice stays calm in the chaotic situation. Beatrice makes an emotional appeal about what drove the immigrants to leave their own country; what do you want from them? Theyre starvin over there, what do you want? I want her to say this in a persuasive voice to try and play on their consciences, but the officers just walk off. I want them to just ignore her to suggest to the audience that they are not affected by her emotional appeal and are immune to her pleading. From this section, the audience gets to see the aggressive and frustrated Catherine character that I wanted them to see and the calm Beatrice. The audience also gets to see the very calm and dominant officers who always stay in control of the dramatic situation and do not show concern or opinion to the pleas and appeals of Catherine and Beatrice. In this next section Marco performs the malicious act of spitting in Eddies face, which results in Eddie becoming extremely furious and mad at him. This is where I get to reveal the ruthless and unpleasant side of Eddie, which I want the audience to see. It starts when Marco breaks from the group while being escorted out by the officers and spits in Eddies face. This is a powerful dramatic moment in the play and is conveyed by actions, rather than words. I want the act of spitting in his face to not only show Marcos contempt for Eddie, but also contempt for Eddies breaking of the social code. By informing the immigration bureau a social taboo has been broken and the act of spitting in his face tells the audience Marcos identification of the culprit.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Symbolism in Arthur Millers A View from the Bridge Essay -- essays re
In Arthur Miller’s tragic drama, ‘A View from the Bridge’, we see that the bridge itself is a symbol of the linking of two cultures, Italian (namely Sicilian) and American (namely New York), whereby the manifestation of these two cultures dwell in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Despite this, differences between the two are distinctly evident from page 17 to 18, and it is the purpose of this essay to discuss how Miller conveys these differences in the given pages. Miller uses language effectively in this play, his use of dialogue, of which makes up the bulk of the drama is his main tool in conveying the large cultural differentiation between Red Hook and Sicily. We know only of Sicily by the way in which Marco and Rodolpho describe it, similarly we do not get to see all of Red Hook (the composite set is all the audience sees) yet we know how it is by the way players talk about it and how they interact with each other within the community. Marco is the first of the two immigrants that enter the Carbone household to shed light on the differences between Sicily and Red Hook, when asked if he had...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Middle East Democracy
The idea of installing a full scale democratic government in Iran is something that has undoubtedly crossed the mind of many prominent American politicians, but it has yet to come to fruition because of a number of reasons. For the most part, the promotion of democracy in the Middle East has been a well tried, but failed venture. While many nations in other parts of the world have been especially quick to pick up democracy, those people in Iran and other parts of the Middle East have not been so willing to embrace the idea yet. This has occurred because of the fundamental problems that seem to get lost in translation when western nations try to impose a government on the people in the Middle East. In order for democracy to ever work in Iran or elsewhere in that area of the world, these basic, fundamental differences must be addressed appropriately and ultimately be bridged, so that a common accord can be reached in the best interests of the Iranian people. The primary obstacles to democratic reform in Iran are many and they are tall obstacles. In short, these are basic problems that the people of Iran have with western governments and they are the sort of problems that will keep democracy from coming to Iran at this point. The main thing standing in the way is a difference in religious theory. Though democracy itself purports to support all religions and in effort to promote religious freedom, it is built upon Christian principles and has been a primarily Christian outfit since its inception. When the founding fathers designed the documents that started the nation, they opened up their Bibles for consultation. This is not a fact that is lost on the Iranian people, nor is it lost on the Iranian government. According to NationMaster.com, the statistics on religion in Iran are staggering. According to that website, 98% of the people in Iran are practicing Muslims (NationMaster.com). This in itself is something that creates major issues with democracy and stands as a barrier in the way of every having an active democracy in that country. Of that 98% clip, more than 89% of the Muslims are Shi’a, which creates an added problem. That sect of Islam has been particularly harsh in regards to American policy and democracy. In addition to the problem surrounding religion, there is a problem that exists over control of the country. The controlling party in Iran worked very hard to gain control of the country and they now have a system in place that rewards those who support them and cracks down on those that oppose them. This is done because the country is set up to allow this theocracy to have full and complete control over just about every aspect of the country, including the economy. Since their control is so widespread, there is lots of vested interest in keeping the controlling party in office. If they were to be booted out of office in favor of some new leaders, lots of angry people would be missing out on the benefits that they were used to receiving. According to MapsoftheWorld.com, â€Å"The chief of the state is Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Hoseini-Khomeini. The head of the Iran government is President Mahmud Ahmadi-Nejad. The Cabinet consists of Council of Ministers selected by the president with legislative approval†(MapsoftheWorld.com). This alone shows the near complete control that the leader of the government has over the country. Though the head of the government is an elected official, there is little to suggest that any elections are conducted in a fair manner. Though the government in Iran is technically considered a democracy because of the fact that they hold elections, one would be hard pressed to find anyone that would consider their system a clear representation of the people’s rights. A former American government official has even said in the last month that the democracy effort in Iran is one that will be tough to come by given the current state in the country and America’s current relationship with the leaders of that country. In a New York Sun article by Eli Lake, a former presidential assistant is quoted as saying, â€Å"There is not the expertise, there is not the energy for it. The Iran office is worried about the bilateral policy. I think they are not committed to this anymore†(Lake). If that quote is any indication, then the democracy effort in Iran has a tough future ahead of it. Overcoming the barriers to democracy will not be easy in Iran, but they are doable with the right policy. One thing to consider is that the religious preferences of the Iranian people are longstanding and they are not likely to change any time in the near future. As such, Western nations must understand that they are going to be dealing with an Islamic nation and they must make allowances for that. Though pure democracy in an American sense will never come off as being an Islamic idea, the proponents of such an Iranian democracy movement must make sure to bridge the gap that exists within perception between the two nations. They must paint democracy in its most positive light to the people of Iran, to make them understand that it is not something to be feared, but rather something to be embraced. If the basic differences in religious preference are going to be conquered, then democracy must appear to them as something that can be incorporated with their Islamic values. Having them adopt Judeo-Christian values is not an option, so if democracy is going to head to Iran, then it must be taken closer to their preferences. As far as power is concerned, this looks like a problem that might not have a solution. Given the fact that the controlling party is not likely to give up any of their stake in the nation regardless of what the American government has to say, a new democratic creation must take this into account. Though there is no way to truly overcome this obstacle, some progress can be made by insuring that the people in control right now understand that they will not be thrown to the dogs in a new democracy program. They will still have the chance to be in power if they are elected fairly by the people of their country. This will not likely be enough to pacify those in power, but that might not be possible in the long run. The primary supporters of democratic reform in Iran are mostly from Western nations and their interest is two fold. For American leaders, the establishment of democracy in Iran helps promote that sort of movement all over the world, and it helps to protect American interests abroad as much as possible. The hope of such a government would ultimately be to get rid of the tyrannical leader that runs that government. When tyrants are eliminated from office, the entire world is better off for it, according to American policy. According to a 2005 New York Times article, the American government is taking great measures to help this happen. They are being helped by leaders in other democratic governments. In an article by Steven R. Weisman, it is stated, â€Å"The Bush administration is expanding efforts to influence Iran's internal politics with aid for opposition and pro-democracy groups abroad and longer broadcasts criticizing the Iranian government, administration officials say†(Weisman). This widespread support from the American government has been continued, although it has been reformed since to meet its goals more effectively. The main opponents of democratic reform in Iran are fairly predictable, given the current set of circumstances in that country. The controlling party that runs the government has no interest in changing their ways, as it was the old system that allowed them to gain power and influence. They are the most powerful and influential group standing in the way. Almost as important in this stance against democracy are the religious leaders in Iran. They have a huge measure of control over the population since it is their job to give clarity on religious matters. Under the current theocracy, which is run with a great deal of religious emphasis, they have lots of control and economic swing in the country. This group is probably more important to influence, since it is their interpretation of the Islamic gospel that helps create the prevailing thought of the Iranian people. Given the fact that the deep rooted Christian values in democracy are no secret, it is highly unlikely that the Islamic leaders of Iran are going to relent on their position. In order to influence these political leaders in Iran, there is only one real solution that the American government can use. Since economic sanctions and threats of war do not seem to be working, the U.S. government has to take the initiative to establish some rewards for the leaders if they were to go along with democracy. Economic rewards are very powerful bargaining tools, because the Iranian leaders can get rich if they play their cards right. If the Western governments made it clear that they would provide clear support to any democratic reform, it may influence the Iranian leaders to make some changes to their current working system. Though the basic premise of democracy would indicate that any group should be allowed to jockey for position atop the government, Iran has to be handled somewhat differently. Given the previously mentioned statistics on religion in the country, it would be extremely unwise to allow any anti-Islamic groups to push for control of the nation. It would be unwise for a couple of different reasons. On one hand, they would have no chance of gaining control of the country and would therefore just be stirring the pot. This leads to the second conclusion, which indicates that such pot stirring would only have a negative impact on the reception of democracy. Since democracy has to be brought to Iran in conjunction with Islam, this is a recipe for disaster. One thing that must be considered when a person thinks about American influence in Iran is what kind of broad impact it will have on a number of different people. If America and other western nations were to make a push for democracy in Iran, it might endanger those people in the country that are there in order to do other good in the country. According to an article in the Washington Post by Karl Vick and Daniel Finkel, â€Å"Prominent activists inside Iran say President Bush's plan to spend tens of millions of dollars to promote democracy here is the kind of help they don't need, warning that mere announcement of the U.S. program endangers human rights advocates by tainting them as American agents†(Vick, Finkel). This means that the mere announcement of any such effort would immediately put people in danger within Iran. This is not important on the basis that it would endanger a few human rights workers. It is important on the basis that if such widespread distaste for America exists among the people, then there is virtually no chance of American-led policy to stick in the country. Other factors must be considered, though. If America wants to keep Iran from becoming the next big Middle Eastern super power, then something must be a done. While the foreign policy of the United States should not include the right and prompting to go to war on a whim, it should help protect American interests. The United States has spent countless dollars and thousands of lives in establishing a semblance of normalcy in Iraq. According to some people, any action in Iran would destroy the work already done in its neighboring country. A United Press International article by Claude Salhani reads, â€Å"However, any attack on Iran would reverse any gains made in Iraq. This point was repeated to the U.S. secretary of defense by various Gulf officials†(Salhani). The government of the United States has to be very careful in this case, as they are playing with fire, to an extent. The only way that the American government should put dollars and effort forward in an attempt to reform Iran is if they have a clear idea of how to get things done. Any plan that is devoid of such a clear objective would fail miserably. The objectives must be to help end tyranny in Iran and to protect American interests on a security level. They must be handled diplomatically, as a military conflict in Iran at this time would be a recipe for disaster, given the nuclear implications that exist. A Steven Erlanger article in the New York Times indicates the thinking of Israel on the matter of nuclear weapons in Iran. In his article, Erlanger writes, â€Å"Israel thinks that an American National Intelligence Estimate about Iran's nuclear weapons program, published in an unclassified version last week, is unduly optimistic and focuses too narrowly on the last stage of weapons development – the fashioning of a bomb out of highly enriched uranium†(Erlanger). This means that some uncertainty exists over whether or not the country has any real, threatening weapons. If they were to possess advanced nuclear capability, then America and other nations must make sure to tread very lightly in enemy territory. Works Cited Erlanger, Steven. New York Times. Israelis Brief top U.S. Commander on Iran’s Nuclear Activities. 11 December 2007. http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2007/12/11/israelis_brief_us_commander_on_irans_nuclear_activities/ Lake, Eli. The New York Sun. ‘This Pretty Much Kills the Iran Democracy Program’. 8 November 2007. < http://www.nysun.com/article/66065> Maps of the World. Iran Government. http://www.mapsofworld.com/iran/about-iran/government.html Nation Master. Iran: Religion. < http://www.nationmaster.com/country/ir-iran/rel-religion> Salhani, Claude. United Press International. Analysis: Iran is Still a Threat for U.S. 10 December 2007. < http://www.upi.com/International_Security/Emerging_Threats/Analysis/2007/12/10/analysis_iran_is_still_a_threat_for_us/3136/> Vick, Karl, & Finkel, David. Washington Post. U.S. Push for Democracy Could Backfire in Iran. 14 March 2006. < http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/13/AR2006031301761.html> Weisman, Steven. The New York Times. U.S. Expands Aid to Iran’s Democracy Advocates Abroad. 29 May 2005. < http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/29/international/middleeast/29iran.html> Â
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Stay Forever Young
Topic: Stay Forever Young Serum Pattern: Criteria Satisfaction Purpose: After hearing this presentation, prospective customers will want to buy Morgan's â€Å"Stay Forever Young†serum. Thesis: Stay Forever Young by Morgan is the best serum on the market to reduce all fine lines and wrinkles including dark spots and black circles. As Audrey Hepburn once said, â€Å"And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows! †(Hepburn) With some of the best ingredients in the world all combined together to give you the amazing Stay Forever Young serum, and at a reasonable price, this is the chance ofa lifetime. B.After you compare all other products who claim to be able to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and black circles, you will see that Stay Forever Young serum is the best to get the Job done. C. As I will be explaining, Stay Forever Young serum is safe, really works, and is reasonably priced. Transition: I will start by explaining how Stay Forever Young is s afe for every skin type. BODY l. Stay Forever Young serum is safer than most other ways to reduce aging. A. Stay Forever Young is an all-around natural product with no harsh chemicals. Sun exposure, smoking, pollution, stress, chemicals and diet all are factors towards aging.Rao, 2008) B. Our serum also is in a cream that you may apply twice daily, which means no needles to the face. C. FDA approved. Transition: Not only is Stay Forever Young a safe product to apply, it really does work! II. Stay Forever Young serum really works to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, reduce the appearance of dark spots and black circles. A. Our serum has been proved and tested over and over again through many women with many various skin types. B. Our serum has some of the best ingredients in the world. C. To prove our product works, we will be giving out free samples and trial offers.Transition: You may think with all these features and benefits that our serum has to offer that it will be expensive. Ill. To top off these wonderful benefits, our serum is reasonably priced. A. Our product is made affordable for all. B. If you find a better product at a lower price we will price match. Transition: By now you can see how beneficial our product will be for you. CONCLUSION A. Stay Forever Young is safe, it truly works, and is made at an affordable price. B. Everyone wishes to have youthfulness, and at a price they can afford. Works Cited Rao, Lleaon (2008). Anti-Aging Beauty Secrets.
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Study of Family Issues in Pursuit of Happiness by Gabriele Muccino
A Study of Family Issues in Pursuit of Happiness by Gabriele Muccino Pursuit of Happiness Pursuit of Happiness is about a family living check by check, just trying to get by. The husband Chris, that sells bone scanner machines. He had bought into these machines, thinking they would be a big hit, but not knowing that not many hospitals would be interested, because of the X-Ray machine, that was very similar. The wife/mother left, being stressed and not believing in her future with Chris, and their son Christopher. After her departure, it only went downhill. They became homeless, and had to move into a motel down the street. For a few months, Chris could still afford to send Christopher to a day-care, which a Chinese lady was in charge of, but later he could not, and had to take Christopher to work with him. After having been kicked out of the motel, and having nowhere to live, they were forced to sleep in a subway bathroom. After this incident, they stayed in a homeless shelter most of the nights. In the midst of the craziness he called life, Chris signed up for a free int ernship with a stock business, and had gotten top intern, which got him a job with the business. After he had got the job, he had good pay, and Chris and his son lived well. This movie can connect well with family issues, marriage issues, wealth problems, and poverty. Chapters 7: Social Class, 10: Race and Ethnic Stratification, 13: Crime and the Legal System, and 14: Marriage and Family, both correspond with the movie Pursuit of Happiness. Chapter 7 talks about social class, such as lower, middle, and upper class; depending on how much money you have. The main character, Chris, lives a poor life, in the â€Å"ghetto†, with his child, after his wife leaves, trying to make a living. He is in the lower class, but after winning a competitive internship, and being offered a job, he starts making good money, and starts to raise in social class. Chapter 10 talks about race and this deals with the movie because Chris, his son, and his wife are all African American, which might have interfered with him getting a job, or selling the amount of bone scanners he needed to sell. Chapter13 is about crime, and how society deals with it, and also the way the lega l system is set up. In the movie, there are various scenes of robbery, or in a specific scene, where one of Chris leaves his bone scanner with a homeless person outside of a building, because he is late for a meeting and can’t take it inside, and the person ends up stealing it. Chapter 14 speaks of marriage and family issues, which is the main happenings, mostly in the beginning of the movie. Their family had issues from the start of the movie, and only gets worse. Chris isn’t bringing in much money, and his wife is already working two jobs, and after she leaves, they aren’t able to pay the rent on time and get kicked out of their apartment. The entire movie is connected with much sociology content, which can help connect the movie to real life situations. The movie Pursuit of Happiness relates to sociology also through social equality. It thrives for this through the movie. Social equality is when everyone has completely equal treatment and opportunity. With so cial equality, there would be no separating by race, gender, religion, and social class. By doing so, it relates to all of the spoken of chapters in our book. In this movie, Chris Gardner is criticized of by his race, and social class. He has to live in a homeless shelter many nights, not being able to correctly feed his child, or give him what he needs. After being accepted for the internship, he does as much work as he possibly can and works as hard as he can so that he can win and get a job promotion. He stands up for himself, after being thrown in jail and not being able to go home and take a shower before his big meeting, and shows the business men that he has what they want, in courage and in confidence. By doing this, he gets the job, and is in better hands for his future, and his son. Sociology is built within this movie, especially since it is focused around society and the government. Bring poor, having a low income, having a slow job, and other things that can help make y ou have more and harder trouble with the world is what this movie is based on. It is especially centered on how one man can make a difference for a whole family, when taken to the extreme. By him getting out and earning what he got, and deserving every bit of it, it shows us that there is hope.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Activity Of Different Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Activity Of Different Media - Essay Example The station presents many lifestyle sections to those who apprize better things in life. There is a fine balance within news programs, entertainment programs like music, chat shows etc. 3. CNN is an international news channel having its branches in Singapore as well. Being a news channel it gives priority to news rather than entertainment. However, there is an essential balance among news, entertainment, and other contents. The channel is characterized by a squad of proficient reporters located all over the world, vigilant 24 hours a day. 2. The Singapore radio station 90.5 FM programs mostly aired are regional news, international news, entertainment programs like music- songs, plays, and live sports broadcasting etc. The language is very clear; the words very easy to follow. 3. Besides news, the CNNTV also telecast chat shows, sports reviews, and many other entertainment programs. The style and language are very simple and adorable. The readers make a flawless presentation with meaningful words and powerful delivery. 1. The Strait Times being a newspaper gives a higher value to news than the other contents like entertainment, puzzles etc. The most important and latest news is given the topmost priority which is followed by comparatively smaller news. 2. Singapore radio station 90.5 FM is more of an entertainment media and less of a news media. Thus the news value is comparatively lower than the newspapers. It is not that it lacks news programs, but it is considered next to the entertainment like music and chat shows. 2. Unlike the newspaper, the radio can report live news but the main limitation is the lack of visuals. The listeners have to rely completely on the sounds. Another limitation of the radio is that it gets only a little time to present all the newsâ€â€sometimes only seconds, at the most one or two minutes for a piece of news. A third major limitation is the fact that radio news cannot be stored and retrieved for future reference.
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